Friday, August 27, 2010

Sunday, August 22, 2010

More Yard Sales...

Here are some of my latest finds. I went to Ewa Beach today to see what I could find. My finds include many little girl outfits and 2 avacados (for $0.25) YUM! That was the good part. The bad part is I got a little lost, deep in Ewa and ended up 15 minutes outside of Ewa, but closer to home, so it all worked out. Here are my finds:

Tons of hats and socks
Newborn pjs
Newborn pjs
Little cover up for the cool December nights
LItle dress 3-6 months
Little pink onsie
Little white dress.
Mommy has a matching one!
So little!
A Pooh book, really old,
but in good condition
Another Thomas Book

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Thrift Store Finds

All our finds at thrift stores...
3 month onesie.
$1.99 @ Savers
Perfect size for Meadway to wear on St. Patty's Day

Baby Gap "Aloha Onesie" $1.99 @ Savers

Go Bows!
Nike Onesie
This will not fit when it is football season, so we will need to go to some basketball games!
$1.99 @ Savers

More to come....

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Grandparents find out its a girl!!!!!

The Big Reveal!
I will set the scene...
I ordered a cake for the Grandparents to cut into and find out if we are having a boy or a girl. (apparently the women already knew, they had dreams, the way my belly looked ect.) Oma picked up the cake. Mema and Opa brought the table settings down. Grandpa and Grandma brought the champagne. They sit overlooking the Long Island sound, watching sunset. They call me and have me on the phone while they all hold the knife and cut. All I hear are screams! Grandpa said it sounded like we just won the Super Bowl. They sat, ate cake (which was yummy I hear,) talked, and had a wonderful evening. The rest of the cake was split up to be enjoyed by other family members who could not make it. What a fun way to share our great news about our little girl!

Kevin waiting for the big news

Everyone holds on and cuts to see if it is a boy or a girl...

It's a GIRL!!!!!

24 Weeks

So, today marks the 24 week mark! The school week was ok, the best part was that it was only 4 days! Hawaii has Statehood Day today (Friday) so we all got off. I went to Kaena Point with the "hike club girls" and did a little 4 mile hike to the most western spot on Oahu. After we went to the pool and spent the day chatting and swimming. We go to the doctors for our 24th week check up tomorrow. Meatwad has been kicking a lot and is doing great!
24 weeks, back from a nice long pool day

Belly button is almost out!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Back to School Assembly

So, today was Makaha’s Back to School Assembly (2 weeks late:)

The GLL’s (Grade Level Chairs) were responsible for introducing ourselves and all the teachers in our grade level to the student body. I introduced myself and said I had 2 important things happen to me this summer, I got married to Mr. Britt, so I have a new name, Mrs. Britt. I then turned to the side to show the belly and said, “I also ate too many cheeseburgers!” Most of them got the joke, but I said, “No just kidding! I am pregnant.” Then I had them all say “Good morning Baby Britt!”

It was a pretty cute day!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Yard Sales Rock!

Some of my latest yard sale finds...
Little outfit.
I Got all 3 outfits and the cute white shoes for $2!
Yay for inexpensive clothes Baby Britt will only wear a few times!
We have to have as many Thomas books as I can find:)
Hula girl puzzle
Big Book of Nursery Rhymes
Cute white shoes!!!!
Hawaii Book
Inside the Hawaii Hide and Seek book.
A Lei stand.
Hawaii whale puzzle
Jack and Jill Hawaiian Style:)
All Nursery Ryhmes w/Hawaiian Style
We have so show the little girl where she was born.
Inside the Hawaiian Rymes book
Slipper outfit!
Rattles for her legs and arms.
Part of my $2 mega buy!
See the bee????!!!!
Shopping cart cover $2
Sound wheel. Recommended by Renee & Ashton
stroller frame $20... took it off my registry
Little book
Pretty Frame I found for $1
I am looking for the perfect picture to put inside of it.
It looks really good on the green wall!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Week 23 Belly Pictures

side view
Belly button is getting shallow...

23 Weeks Pregnant

My goal is to post atleast once a week. I will put up new pictures and a little note about my week. So, this week was week #2 in school. I was pretty hot all week. On Thursday my knee hurt really bad when I got home from school. I am going to try to sit more and wear comfy shoes. All the kids at school know I am pregnant and are really cute. One girl asked if I was pregnant and I asked why? She goes, "your belly grow bigger like EVERY day!" So cute!