Saturday, March 31, 2012

Riis' First Easter Egg Hunt

Today we took Riis to an Easter Egg hunt in Kapolei. She got to watch hula dancers, listen to the youth choir, see the Easter Bunny (again), hang out with her buddy Ashton, and hunt for Easter eggs. Tom and I were amazed at how well she did. Riis filled her basket and then started to help out her neighbor :)

Hula Dancers 
Renee and Christian

Britt gals ready for the festivities

Riis and Daddy watching the Easter Bunny 
Basket is ready!

Adam, Ashton, Daddy, and Riis ready to go!

Watching the show

Ashton and Riis making a plan

And they're off!

Hi Riis. What is Aston doing? 

Must hydrate before the hunt

Daddy Bunny! (What a good sport:)

Riis is getting ready to dismount Daddy

The field for 13 months- 21 months

On you mark... get set...


Riis stocking up on eggs

Great job Ladybug!

Here friend.

Checking out the bounty

This is what proud looks like.

99, 100!

Britt Family

Monday, March 26, 2012

A Visit to the Easter Bunny

Riis and Mommy went to visit the Easter Bunny yesterday. Waiting on the line was fun, playing with Ashton after was fun, but the part where we got to meet the Easter Bunny was not so fun.

Mommy getting ready to put Riis on the bunny's lap

Riis demonstrating her strong leg and arm grip

Britt girls and the Easter Bunny

Best buds

Riis and Astong running a muck in the mall for about 2 minutes before we got them to sit on the bench.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Video Update

Here are 2 videos of Riis eating:

Happy St. Patricks Day!

The HI Britts had a great St. Patricks Day. Riis and Mommy when to Waikiki and went swimming in the Sheraton and waited for Daddy to get off of work. We all went to the block party and got beaded necklaces, chatted with other babies, and ate yummy food. We had a great time playing tourist in Waikiki for the weekend. We ended the weekend going the to zoo. Riis LOVES the zoo!!!!  She got to debut her new wagon, eat salty popcorn, watch the elephants eat and make loud noises. Riis even ate a kiddie pizza like a big girl. What a fun weekend!!!!

(By the way Riis and her wild red hair were a huge hit at the St. Patricks Day block party)

Happy St. Patty's Day to YOU!

Kissy face

The Britt Girls are Irish! 

Trying on masks at the zoo

Hey big guy

Did you hear that?

They are so close to us

Hey Daddy, the wheels look good!

Off to the monkeys!!!!!

Excited for Bath Time

What is the big deal guys? I am getting clean.
Every night we follow the same routine. We eat dinner as a family. Mommy and Riis clean her chair off and Riis walks herself to the tub, where Daddy has started to run the water. The other day Riis could not wait to get into the bath. She jumped right in before Daddy could even get her clothes off. We all had a good laugh over this.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

An Artist is Born

Over the past few days Mommy and Riis have been attending Keiki Steps.  This is a school where kids from 0-5 years old go with their Mommies or Daddies to play, learn, eat snack, and have fun. This month's theme is transportation and Riis and Mommy are going on a field trip to ride the choo choo train tomorrow. Riis has been growing leaps and bounds now that she is around her peers for 2- 3 hours 3 times a week. Riis put her finger up and said, "on" (one) yesterday. Riis is growing as an artist too. She used to only spend a minute at most coloring in her book, but after watching her friends all color for a long time she is getting better and better at it. Here are some pics Daddy took of Riis in her "studio" today.

Riis coloring Elmo as her model poses for her

How does it look?

Good job Riis!

Getting the right light

Getting comfortable

Foot coloring-new technique 

Looks good Riis!